How Mobility Aid Promotes Health and Wellbeing

Mobility aid equipment can help people with limited mobility move around more easily indoors and outdoors. A wide range of mobility aids are available to assist various mobility issues, each offering the user a multitude of benefits. They are pivotal for people with limited mobility, especially when it comes to their health and wellbeing, as mobility aid equipment improves the user’s quality of life. Users of mobility aids can be the elderly, people with medical conditions, injuries and disabilities.

At Quantum Rehab, we provide people with limited mobility with a collection of comfortable and supportive wheelchairs. From manual wheelchairs to electric motor powerchairs, there is a mobility aid solution for a wide variety of mobility needs. Discover how these wheelchairs, and other mobility aids, promotes health and wellbeing, positively changing users’ lives.

Woman on mobility scooter riding through town


Types of mobility aids

There is a plethora of mobility aids available to suit various mobility issues and the individual’s needs. Each type of mobility aid equipment serves a different purpose and so it’s vital to ensure you are using the correct aid for you and your needs.


Mobility scooters

Mobility scooters are an ideal aid for travelling long distances when you are unable to walk for long periods of time. They are also a great tool to use for people with control of their upper body to be able to steer and manoeuvre the scooter. They can come with different features to suit your needs.

You can get lightweight and foldable scooters that are perfect for travelling with, especially when going abroad or on a long road trip. You can also get three-wheel scooters that are easier to manoeuvre and are often lighter, allowing many people to get out and about. Mobility scooters can also suit outdoor adventures as they can come with four wheels which offer stability and can tackle all sorts of terrains.


Walking sticks and canes

For people who have little balance or are weaker in their legs, then walking sticks and canes are an ideal mobility aid. These offer support and shifts weight from the legs to the upper body so that strain on the lower limbs is reduced.

There are a few types of sticks and canes available to suit various mobility issues. However, this mobility aid equipment is beneficial for people who can walk but need assistance with strengthening their legs. You can get standard sticks and canes that provide basic support and are adjustable to suit your required height to help you walk comfortably. There are also offset canes that are excellent for distributing your weight evenly helping to keep you balanced when you walk. These are perfect for people with little to no balance when walking.



Wheelchairs are a vital mobility aid for people with severe mobility issues or those who can’t walk at all. They offer users mobility to get around wherever and whenever they please, changing their lives for the better. Wheelchairs come in various forms with lots of different features to suit a range of needs, making it easier for people with limited mobility to explore the outdoors and move freely around indoors.

The two main wheelchair options are a manual wheelchair and an electric motor wheelchair. Manual wheelchairs require you to have movement in your upper body to push yourself along. These are ideal to use for short periods of time or for those who can self-propel. Manual wheelchairs are also often used for a variety of sports to manoeuvre where you need to go. Electric motor wheelchairs are perfect for longer periods of time or for those with limited upper body movement and strength. These can be operated by switches, buttons and joysticks to move easily and quickly around. They are great for indoors and outdoors and come with various features to suit your requirements, such as outdoor electric wheelchairs for rugged and difficult terrains.


Walkers and rollators

Walkers and rollators are ideal for people who can move but need extra support than walking sticks and canes can give them. These offer better stability as they have a four-point contact with the ground. They can come in a few different forms, such as standard walkers which offer maximum support due to the sturdy frame and four legs. There are also two-wheeled walkers that come with wheels on the front legs to help with moving the walker around. These are ideal for people with less upper body strength as they can easily push this walker around while gaining strength in the legs through the support the walker gives.

Rollators often have a seat to rest on when needed, which is perfect for people who can walk short distances but who often get tired or sore from walking. They also have four wheels, brakes and a basket making these the ideal choice for heading outdoors.


How do mobility aids promote health and wellbeing?

Mobility aid equipment can promote health and wellbeing in numerous ways, giving users multiple benefits and a positive change to their lives. Mobility aids can drastically change the lives of many with mobility issues, adding value and improving their quality of life which, in turn, aids with their physical and mental health.


Reduces aches and pains

Mobility aids can help users with any aches and pains, as well as sores. They reduce nasty flare-ups and alleviate the pressure on key body parts. They can support your hips, legs, ankles, and knees or even give you neck support when needed.

Aches and pains often flare when people with limited mobility aren’t fully supported, comfortable or aren’t using the correct mobility aid for them. Everyone can reduce aches and pains when using the right mobility aid but particularly people with chronic pain conditions or arthritis can benefit as painful flare-ups occur more with these conditions.


Improves independence and gives freedom

Using mobility aid equipment allows people to gain independence and freedom. This is because they can move around freely and carry out daily activities with no assistance from someone else. People with limited mobility can independently move around indoors and outdoors doing daily tasks and exploring the world. This means they can do what they love more without needing to rely on anyone else and even create new hobbies.

Having the freedom to go wherever they want at any time they like, boosts users’ confidence and improves their mental wellbeing instantly. They can feel happier from gaining vital fresh air and gain joy from daily activities and hobbies they usually need someone to help with.


Helps with socialising and exploring the world

As people with mobility issues can get out and about more when using a suitable mobility aid, it allows them to explore places they may never have seen before. They can enjoy the freedom of the outdoors, taking in various history and culture from all around the world. Mobility aids also allow users to travel more and go on holidays, ensuring they get to see incredible places just like everyone else.

By heading outdoors more, people with reduced mobility can have more opportunities to socialise with others. They can join in with social activities and enjoy new hobbies to meet new people due to the independence mobility aids give. These aids can make it possible for users to attend gatherings, visit friends and family and even go shopping. This can massively improve their mental health as they won’t feel isolated or lonely as they can mix and socialise with a wide variety of people. Plus, people with mobility issues can also gain advice, help or listen to others to lift a weight off their shoulders and make them feel happier.


Enhances safety and stability

Mobility aid equipment can enhance users’ safety and stability. This is because mobility aids reduce the risk of falls and injuries as they support users and heighten their stability. This is particularly the case for the elderly and people with little to no balance as they can be stabilised when walking or moving.


Mobility aids at Quantum Rehab

Here at Quantum Rehab, we have a selection of mobility aids to help support you daily and change your life for the better. We have a plethora of wheelchairs to suit your needs that all support different mobility issues. Our manual wheelchairs and paediatric disability strollers incorporate various components to accommodate the needs of individuals requiring mobility aid. They are perfect for short-term independence, getting around the house to do daily activities and are great for heading outdoors with someone to assist.

To reap the most benefits to your health and wellbeing our electric motor wheelchairs are a great option. These can be used for travelling, long periods of time outdoors and full independence daily. We have a wide selection of electric wheelchairs for various interests and hobbies that each tackle different terrains.

If you are looking for the ideal mobility aid equipment for you or have any questions about our wheelchairs, then please contact us.